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"Age is NOT just a number... but thats okay!!"
- Johnny Gajic

As I’m getting older, I’m finding myself getting busier, and the days getting shorter. Since achieving a lot of the goals I had set for my life, I am now focusing on living a longer, healthier one in order to enjoy all that it has to offer.  


I don’t have, nor do I wish to have 2 to 3 hours a day to spend in a commercial gym. I’d rather be driving my car, riding my motorbike, and enjoying time with friends and family. Realising this, I have worked on shorter, more efficient workouts that will get AND keep me healthy. 


I’ve figured out a way to sustain and advance my fitness levels to where I will have no barriers preventing me from doing what I want outside of the gym.  By using SHORT and EFFICIENT workouts that burn calories and build lean muscle while also prioritising recovery and overall health, I have found my energy levels are higher, my aches and pains are minimal, and I truly feel like I’m beating the ageing process.

My Mission

Making Fitness Fun

To show the aging population how to get and stay fit with efficient and healthy lifestyle changes, while still making time to live life.

Contact Me

Get in touch and start your fitness journey today.

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